For I am a student and classes are my lesson
It'a a universal understanding knowing that teaching won't always be easy. Especially, as a teacher who teach multigrade.
In elementary level, teaching multi grade where the fourth, fifth and sixth grade are in the same level. One class with different abilities, different aims of each stage, is a condition that I have to face everyday.
In senior high school level, the number of students in one class exceeds the available seats. A lot of noises, small area to move yet lot of hopes to build.
In junior high school level, I found challenges as well.
The disrespect toward friends and teachers by words and actions.
Not only once, had I wonder "am I not a good teacher enough?"
when the class didn't run as I planned, "is it my lesson plan not attractive enough?"
but then, I remember my days in Roshan.
in the early days of my teaching, I found out that my class was somehow like a fortune cookies.
you won't know what today will bring you.
Joy or Sadness? Gift or Challenges?
But then, I realize that no matter how hard is t it today.
Today is a lesson, too.
For I'm a student and my classes are my lesson.
So, I can be a better and better teacher next time.
Like, I've told my students so many times
when they were given "tough" problems!
Don't give up!
So, I shall preach myself the same.
"Nurul Bahirah, don't give up! learn from it."
- a newbie, idealistic teacher on her hard day-
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