Multigrade Teaching in Indonesia : Challenges and Advantages
Last two weeks, I was invited to share my experience with Calon Pengajar Muda "Indonesia Mengajar" in Jatiluhur. The topic was teaching multigrade or in bahasa we usually call "kelas rangkap". It all started when I read a message in whats app group 'Pengajar Muda XIII' on 27th of April. Kak Lisa, the officer of Indonesia Mengajar, was looking for a speaker that got some experiences in teaching multigrade. Reflecting on my own, I decided to contact her. After I explained to her my three years experience teaching multigrade in different schools with different social context, she invited me to be one of the speakers.
At first, I was thinking,"okay, which part of multigrade should I explain?" I only knew it based on my own practice in teaching. I didn't know whether there is a standardized version of multigrade in teaching. Later I found this handbook "The Multigrade classroom : A Resource handbook for small rural school" that gave practical suggestions for teachers that face multigrade. Surprisingly, the principles and the methods are kinda similar to the teaching I used to do in Roshan Learning center. I think this practice is needed to be shared with a lot of teachers in the world. Not only for those who teach in small and rural but also in urban. As what the world bank research has shown that there are a lot of benefits in implementing the multigrade at school.
#1 Let's start with the why. Why in the very first place, as a teacher we need to know about multigrade?
Based on the world bank document, around 30% students in the world now use a multigrade system. Not only that, the research counts around 50% of the drop out need to get back to school. In order to do that, they will be taught in a multigrade system. So roughly predicted, it's around 244 million of children will be helped by teaching in a multigrade system.
In Indonesia, unfortunately, I haven't got the data about the number of students or schools predicted in need of a multigrade system. But I could speak from my own experience that yes, learning multigrade system is essential and urgent to be implemented. No wonder, Indonesia mengajar needs this material to be taught for their members.
I remember my first day teaching in a rural school in Aceh. It was drizzling, everyone in the village suggested me to come back home because I came too early to the school. it was 7 o'clock in the morning and the school should have started at 8 o'clock. The students were already waiting in the school. The doors were locked. They were playing beneath the gray clouds. Minutes turned to hours but even until 9 o'clock there was no teacher coming. I contacted all of the teachers but there was no response yet. It just felt strange to let the children just play, while they are begging me to study. They were so eager to learn.
That was my first day, I've got no lesson plan and no material to be taught. Fortunately, I was surrounded by rich resources; trees, jungles, lots of animals, rice field. There are so many topics to be learned together. We ended up walking through the villages in the rain while asking and answering all about the name of plants and animal in the village. We learned something at least, that what I said to myself.
It wasn't the only day without teachers nor the only day I've got no lesson plan for the classes. It's the other way around, I could count the days where the teachers are complete and the time my lesson plan worked. Most of them are not. The challenging geography makes it hard for the teachers to come on time. If it's raining, my village will be surrounded by flood for a couple of days, making teacher from outside of my village unable to go to school. Leaving only with two teachers at school. This condition makes a multigrade system so essential. Without understanding the technique, the teacher will end up just giving tasks not a facilitating a full learning process. I remember, the task that they gave, usually, was copying a reading passage from a book. The long result of that is unbelievably great, most of the students in my school from first to third great can't read well. even one of our students in sixth grade can't read until he graduated from the school.
I didn't blame my teacher though. I believe in them. I believe the right kind of training and education will help them in class. It is, hand in hand needs to improve alongside with the infrastructure.
I still regret it to this very day.
That's the reason why, I'm a bit obssesed with multigrade. I faced it everytime I teach. in my gut, I feel like, I know how, why don't I do something about it. People might need it. Tell them then. Might worth sharing.
Basicly, what I told in Jatiluhur was from my experience teaching multigrade for a year in Roshan learning center. For a year, I've worked with Phds in education to support my class. So, it might mean something.
So here it is .... let's start with the benefits
there are three basic benefits of multigrade
In multigrade, one teacher can teach twenty something students. In my experience to make this class effective, structure and procedure are very important. The structure and procedure of the class need to support self-learn. In the beginning, My students usually read a book, watch a movie or talk about an issue making sure that they absorb the material independently.
After that, they make a group, (based on similar ability) then solve a problem. The problem relates to the resources given. They learn in a group, solve their own problems by their own. So, it's more student center. The teacher's role similar to a facilitator.
This kind of skill is very important for their future life. Because it is making sure that they use their own motivation to learn. Not passively, being given lessons from the teachers.
#2 Tolerance
Since there will be age differences and skill differences, even siblings in class, I can promise you, in the beginning, it will be tough-rough. The beginning your big kids might tease the little kids. But keep encouraging them to help the little kid, keep telling them that people skill are different. I promise you, the result is mind-blowing. My students like to help their brothers to study at home. Encourage each other in class. Helping his lil brother in the hard stuff. It's just purely breathtaking.
It teach them tolerance, kindness, and :)
#3 Varied skills can be assessed
We, in Indonesia, assess students mainly by paperwork. I, my self, symphatize by our condition that focus more on the assessment than the learning itself. We are having lot and lot of test to know our students progress. Somehow, unintentionally, making a habit that focuses on the result. The habit of studying for exam. as if, we learn because we want to make the test result well not we learn because it will help us in the future. In which causing, the short and easy path to be chosen "cheating".
In multigrade, the teacher will assess the teamwork, the communication proses not only the lesson materials. Also the question in multigrade assessment are more open-ended.
e.g : "Tell me 5 things you have learned from today?"
Yes, the benefits are mind-blowing. as long as the practice are right. Now, how can we implement it?
It's another topic that I would like to share on another blog.
Ah, I also make a video in bahasa Indonesia about multigrade : introduction.
Thank you for reading! Until later :x
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